Tragedy Without Personality Or Plan


Everyone likes a good love story…well, except for the enemy. There are some great ones out there like Noah and Allie, Ross and Rachel, Martin and Kerry or Han and Leia.  But, I think the world focuses on Romeo and Juliet a little too much. Kinda dark story, don't ya think? During our course of The Everyday Disciple II (yes, there are some good sequels) I thought about how two of the units together could have helped these two ill-fated lovers.

What do we really know about Romeo? What do we really know about Juliet? We know the predicament. We know the emotions. But do we know their personalities? I find it sad that the closest a lot of teenagers have to self-analysis is finding out “What State Are You?” on Facebook. If you don’t know who you are, how do you expect to know what grows you, what inspires you and what feeds you...other than the Lord. If Romeo took the D.I.S.C. Personality Profile, we would know that he was definitely bold in his decision to end it all without Juliet which could be a trait of Dominance. I also wouldn’t put Juliet high in the Conscientious scale as she did fake her death without worry as to how her family would react (or Romeo seeing as she didn’t send him a tweet or an IM to warn him.) It very well may be that if they had learned more about themselves and each other, they wouldn’t have overreacted. Heck, they may not have been so infatuated with each other in the first place.

Sadly, at no point did Romeo or Juliet consult their pastor. In fact, I don’t remember God being in their love story at all.  In truth, He is the creator of love, sex and marriage. How can you expect to have even 2 of the 3 without consulting Him. Yes, this was run-away infatuation as we know so little of their internal character that I really don’t think that either of them do either. It’s the physical and external without the spiritual. If they had just talked to their pastor, he would have said, “Start Spiritual!” If they had done that, maybe testing the Relational would not have been so bad with their parents. I think those parents knew they were skipping church and it played a bigger problem in this whole story than we know. Neither of them guarded the Emotional part of themselves nor did they avoid the Physical (as they took their own lives.)

Did she awaken love before the time was right? We really just don’t have the information as Bill was a little too caught up in the "feelings" of it all. Well, without God’s plan (which is marriage) that love story was doomed…like Kanye and Kim.


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