
Showing posts from January, 2024

Rolling Out The Red Carpet

  There are moments that defy logic and anything beyond natural doesn't sound logical, right?  Last night, our intent was to head into church for a strong session of prayer for healing.  Physical, mental, spiritual, communal, familial and pretty much anything you can imagine.  As we were turning into the parking lot, Kerry's phone went off.  It was our niece in Oregon.  Vintage's prayer team had prayed over her son prior to Christmas due to an unusual virus they found in his wrist...and he has healed since then. She told us that she felt so alone and that she was under attack from all sides of her family.  She didn't feel like she had anyone to talk to but grabbed her phone.  It opened right to Kerry's phone number (strange as we haven't talked to her since Christmas.)  She knew that she needed to call.  After we explained where we were and that we were going directly in and adding her name to the prayer list, we were able to calm her sobbing down. During our fa

Tragedy Without Personality Or Plan

  Everyone likes a good love story…well, except for the enemy. There are some great ones out there like Noah and Allie, Ross and Rachel, Martin and Kerry or Han and Leia.  But, I think the world focuses on Romeo and Juliet a little too much. Kinda dark story, don't ya think? During our course of The Everyday Disciple II (yes, there are some good sequels) I thought about how two of the units together could have helped these two ill-fated lovers. What do we really know about Romeo? What do we really know about Juliet? We know the predicament. We know the emotions. But do we know their personalities? I find it sad that the closest a lot of teenagers have to self-analysis is finding out “What State Are You?” on Facebook. If you don’t know who you are, how do you expect to know what grows you, what inspires you and what feeds you...other than the Lord. If Romeo took the D.I.S.C. Personality Profile, we would know that he was definitely bold in his decision to end it all withou

His Death Sentence

  It is easy to focus on King David as the great king he was and the valiant young man that slayed the fearsome Goliath.  But just like so many human leaders, he was a broken man and his sins had great consequences for him, his family and his lineage.  Our reason for talking about it here isn't to denigrate but to remind ourselves of our humanity, our predilection towards sin and our need for grace.  Sometimes we forget how much grace we are shown. King David was known as a man with a heart for God.  His early years showed cunning, prowess and courage in the face of insurmountable odds.  His faith and anointing definitely gave him a well earned confidence.  Yet, a point came where he wasn't leading his men to battle.  In fact, on the one such occasion he stayed back and Bathsheba just happened to catch his eye.  They say, "Idle hands make for the devil's playground."  His lack of focus on the battles his nation was fighting definitely allowed a window of opportuni