

I've been drawn to the word "convicted" during the last week.  It has a powerful sound!  I mean, it is very easy to say that, if I was convicted of a crime, I would understand that decision will definitely affect my future.  But, I've been dwelling on another "conviction" that instead is being resolute through much discernment.  I guess that personal conviction helps narrow it down.

That presence has been a part of my life since turning it over to the Lord.  It isn't a "spider-sense" but I have gotten a specific feeling when I am around another believer.  Some might say it's the Holy Spirit.  It could be from the way they carry themselves or the words they choose but I have met some very good friends through those impressions.  I guess a similar feeling is what has led me back to college to continue my education.  So you may find some posts here soon coming off a little detailed or in depth which may or may not be for class work. 
I am thinking that I need to make a shirt that says "Convicted" on the back.  I love the one I have that says "Forgiven."  I've also been thinking about a blanket that simply says "Love" on it.  It might make for a good banner for the blog.  Anyhow, I hope you have a great weekend and maybe you will think about what things you are convicted about.


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