
Showing posts from July, 2024

Don't Skip To The Good Parts (They Are All Good Parts)

I'll tell you something about myself. If I am late to a movie, I will walk out or just not go. My reasoning is that I believe context is important. Can you imagine how Star Wars would affect you if, for the first time you saw it, you knew that Darth Vader was Luke and Leia's father and that Leia and Luke were twins? It takes a lot of suspense, drama, shock and direction away from the viewer. You might go through the whole movie hoping for a family reunion. Really, it becomes a different film. I believe some believers in Jesus came from the Christmas and Easter stories and don't really understand why they call Jesus the “lamb.” Imagine if they only knew about his birth, death and resurrection. All important moments but we really wouldn't understand our role as believers. There is more and I, personally, was one of those that went years before truly getting the significance of the Holy Spirit. So, for many that don't grasp the Holy Spirit's importance,