
Showing posts from November, 2023

Tacos For Your Journey


2 Shots Of Truth From TED

  I have a few takeaways from my recent course called The Everyday Disciple and, although there is a lot that I got from it, I am going to narrow it down to two areas.  There was a song from 1988 by a band called Camouflage named "The Great Commandment."  I still listen to it here and there as there is something I just love about stark electronics.  I mention it here as our lives come down to the greatest commandment, to love God and love others.  And, these two areas that I wanted to discuss are imperitive if we are to do what the greatest commandent demands. First, I would mention that you can't love others if you can't have healthy relationships.  And to do that takes effort in extending every grace we would like extended to ourselves.  Comparison is often called the thief of joy and it will steal your friendships.  Condemnation builds walls of indifference and is often hard to overcome when the person condemning is usually coming from a dais of high morality.  And